Wednesday, October 10, 2001

At last there's a little time to catch up on the October Metropolis magazine. Jerry Brown, now of Oakland, is alleged to have said that we house automobiles and garage people. This does not sound original to me. Other gleanings are that Puerto Rico has higher per-capita car ownership than does the U.S.A. In an interview with a lighting designer, the questioner asks about light trespass: when illumination spreads from its intended source and invades places such as our bedrooms. What are its physical effects? The designer replies: "Light suppresses our production of melatonin. Part of the process of going to sleep is having darkness. . . .. I'm very interested in it as far as streetlights in a residential community--if they are too high and too bright and coming into second-story bedroom windows. I look at elderly people, many of whom have sleeping disorders: the more they can get total darkness at night, the better." Amen!. It's so ugly to have the luminaires going into the yards and into houses; and the sky is so pink these days.


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