Saturday, March 15, 2003

The Hyatt on Town Lake has aged nicely. The dining room produces very acceptable biscuits, the kind that don't need to hide under gravy. I love it that the hotel's website has an Austin guide provided by the Frommer's people. It's no wonder that walking in Stacy Park is much preferable to walking near Town Lake in the vicinity of the hotel: bat guano, grackle leavings, general smells of stagnant water, dead fish, underdressed unattractive human speciments. We did, however, enjoy seeing five giant red-eared sliders on a rock, as well as coots and scaup and racing crews here for spring practice. Java Noodles was better than expected and the Clay Pit really no better than Taj Palace, although the atmosphere was, in fact, better. I remember the Bertram Building when it was the Red Tomato.


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