Sunday, December 14, 2003

Making the rounds

The time that worked out best for catching a movie dictated that the movie would be Duplex, at the dollar movie (now $1.50 in Wells Branch). One young person was studying in the box-office cubicle, another was selling refreshments and sweeping up litter, and a tihrd was starting the projector systems and filling in at the refreshment stand for the sweeper. At the Pflugerville H-E-B we bought a six-dollar cheapie plastic tree stand, since our old one, metal with the outriggers, had developed a lot of rust inside the water-container part. It held water, but any slop-over water was rusty. We had planned to replace it anyhow, but somebody stole it from an outbuilding. We went in search of Rudolph's tree lot, but it had moved. The sign gave the new location, but we forgot to make a mental note, so we had to cruise South Congress for it. The improvement this year is that there was a young guy there sawing off the bottom of the trunk, so that I didn't have to do it. The price was very good, and the tree stand works (although it probably wouldn't be very stable were the tree to be any taller than its 6.5 feet or so). The tree's about 6.5 feet and is set on a table. If it were any taller, it would be too tall. The tree itself smells great, and so do the free Frasier fir boughs. Now we can begin catching up with seasonal correspondence.


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