Garden snapshot
Around about last weekend, but unreported 'til now, were same-day sightings of a half-grown giant grasshopper, one anole, and one tree lizard. Leaves are nearly all down from the oaks in one part of the yard; they're just beginning in another part. Fig leaves are showing themselves. Loquats are fat and turning color. Geranium narcissus, tiny not-Baby-Moon, muscari, blue florists' anemones, Thalia, leucojum, redbuds, ornamental pear, white allium, over-wintered geraniums and nasturtiums blooming in pots, the first ipheion, a yet different color of pink Dutch hyacinth and a different color of the blue (each type with several blooms), lilac wonder (species tulipa bakeri), white and blue Dutch iris, our first clusiana (alternate red-pink and white on the outside and blue-white inside; we don't have any Tubergen's yet), and more. This is just a quick once-over to remind us. There are even lots of buds on those old cheap Dutch tulips. Is this for the third year? Morning glories and moonflowers are germinating all over the place, but being nibbled on, of course. Lantana has put forth new leaves and quite a few flowers.
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