Bulbous, mostly
There are still tulips (taking up huge parts of the fridge), some anemones, and a couple of dozen narcissi or jonquils of the cheap sort waiting to go into the ground. The paperwhite narcissi from old, dumped pots of bulbs forced indoors years ago are faithfully in bloom, with more flowers than ever before. Allium of all kinds is showing leaves everywhere, and the same is true for grape hyacinths and squill. There are no signs yet of Dutch hyacinths. Dutch irises from years gone by continue to appear. Appearing for the first time are leaves from some of this fall's bulbs of various sorts. The pecan leaves are 75% down. Raking up the fallen leaves has revealed the bulbs sprouting in the midst of the grass. Redbud leaves are all down; the pear leaves are just beginning to change color.
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