This isn't even the gutter or even curbside. This is thrown deep into the yard. Picked up were two Bud Lite cans, each in a brown paper sack, plus the plastic cover with straw still inserted that belongs to some paper or plastic cup of fast-food something-or-other. There was a dog-chewed sheet of math homework. There was an empty plastic sack from H-E-B. The Rumbo doesn't count, although I did pick up the one from the yard of the absent neighbor so that creeps passing by don't know he's not there. Checking out the curb and the street in general wasn't an appealing notion, particularly since lately somebody's been tossing down newspaper sleeves full of dog-crap, no doubt ostentatiously picked up from somebody's front yard only to be dumped when the dog-walker believes him- or herself to be no longer under surveillance.
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