Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Somebody manufactures these items and what they're called I can't guess

Bread tags? They're the little color-coded flat plastic objects that sometimes are also stamped with a date. They have a notch and are used to crimp closed such items as English muffins, loaves of bread, and sacks of tortillas. Could they possibly be called "bread tags"? If they're used on non-bakery goods, I haven't noticed. Well; according to Google ("plastic bread tags"), they are in fact known as plastic bread tags or tabs, and they have many folk re-uses. Furthermore, to them are ascribed a certain number of fatalities each year, human or otherwise; don't swallow these! And some do think that there's a color code for pulling goods from the shelves by a certain date. As socks do, they seem to reproduce in obscure corners. Unlike socks, however, they aren't usually to be found in matched pairs, so they must reproduce asexually.


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