The seen and the unseen
Nothing much is happening in the side yard: there's been one Lilac Wonder tulip, now lots of ipheieon; good grape hyacinths; Dutch hyacinths aplenty but they're now gone, and pink oxalis greatly enjoying the weather. The front yard still has leucojum and the last of the hyacinths. Alliums are a frothy presence everywhere in Mack's yard, probably at their peak and making a beautiful backdrop for purple and blue Dutch irises in profusion, blue-violet and greenish-white anemones at their peak, Sun Disk (Sun Disc) still producing, Ice Follies and Thalia still going strong, a couple of Geranium narcissi, anemones that are solid red and those that are red with white rings, and little cyclamineous flowers of various colors. We're seeing our first ranunculus flowers, red-orange. Unfortunately, today's the day when the Evil Ones inaugurate their leaf-blowers for the season, roaring and whining for hour after hour after hour of torment for those who hate them. So much for open windows and reading outdoors.
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