Ice Follies appeared late this year, so were not available to be removed during the night for use as someone's Valentine tribute. They began blooming only the day before yesterday. As to creatures, we've seen one anole and about a dozen kinds of butterflies. There is a nesting pair of large pale hawks checking out the various treetops. The light has always been wrong for really seeing them. The Montopolis heirloom narcissus display has been very showy, but it's now past its peak. Newcomers yesterday were flowers on one redbud tree, Erlicheer, ornamental alliums, and leucojums. We're seeing more single jonquils than there've been in years, with no bud blast. Avalanche and Minnow narcissus has been spectacular. Blue Dutch hyacinths are to be seen on the oak motte; they, along with pink hyacinths, are beginning to appear out front. Following are a few of the other flowers now appearing: Martinette, Carlton, Fortune, and Jetstar, plus other varieties of all sorts whose names have gone unrecorded, including the very tiniest of butter-yellow miniature narcissus. There are buds appearing on the Dutch iris. Anemones of red and of purple open with the sun every day and close as the sun departs. The wild anemone blanda is mostly white this year, but there are some blue flowers. Everything looks especially beautiful when the skies are overcast. There's so much more to come!