Spring's moving right along
Anemones have been in bloom for almost a month. This week has brought more hyacinths and more narcissi, along with redbud blossoms, leucojums, single jonquils, and more. Ice Follies daffodils are beautiful, but not prolific this year. For the first time in ages, they were not yet open on Valentine's Day and so the flowers have not been stolen. This morning we could see buds on the Japanese irises, the very first ipheion flower, and the first visible bud among the Lilac Wonder species tulips. A solid-orange nasturtium appeared on a self-sown nasturtium. Wando peas are blooming. So are some lantanas and a few fennel plants. We've been very entertained by the antics of a squirrel taking advantage of the presence of a pumpkin. Until the squirrel attacked the pumpkin, it was unblemished. Now there's just the entry neatly gnawed in the hull; all the seeds that were once there have gone to nourish the enterprising squirrel.
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