Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The day before yesterday and about a year ago

This is Tuesday; Sunday brought us our first bearded iris (see a heritage iris from a year ago). It has stood up very well against the extremely high winds and rain. On Sunday before the winds and rain of Monday we also saw an anole and a pipevine swallowtail butterfly, along with some gulf fritillaries. We know that there are larvae of giant swallowtail butterflies here, because they're consuming the leaves of the fennel, which is one of the few types of vegetation that over-wintered well this year. The yard is scented with sweet peas, fennel, and hundreds of flowers from the roses gone wild. The biggest difference between last year and this year is that lantana was touched by the cold severely enough that it has yet to put forth new leaves, except a few from the roots, and there will be no blooms for quite a while; the same is true of Turk's cap.


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