Farm auction in 1947
Below is a list of items put up for bids following the end of dairy operations at a farm belonging to one grandfather:
Hay Loader, 6' Mower, Hay Rake, Disc Harrow, 2 sets Spring Tooth Harrows, 2 Farm Wagons, Hay Rack with Sides, Set Heavy Bob Sleds, Wood Rack for Sleds, 2-row Cultivator, Walking Cultivator, Garden Cultivator, 2 Walking Plows, 2 Heavy Team Harnesses, Rake Harness, Single Driving Harness, Milk Wagon, Single Buggy, 2-wheel Breaking Cart, Cutter, Buggy Pole, Spring Wagon Pole, Cattle Rack; several sets Neck-yokes, Whiffletrees, Hand Tools, Chains, etc.
Also Dining Room Suite, table buffet and six chairs; 2 Bedroom Suites, 2 Sewing Machines (White and Domestic); Library Table; Antique Sofa; 3-burner Oil Stove; 30-gal. Hot Water Tank; 60-gal. Water Tank; Hall Rack; miscellaneous assortment of Dishes, Crocks, Chairs, Lamps, Carpet.Note the bobsleds, cutter (speedy "one-horse open sleigh"), and yokes for oxen.