Saturday, September 28, 2002

Los dos Gilbertos are at a Jamaica around here somewhere this weekend, playing for free--too bad we can't go. Discos Joey must be redoing its site. In the meantime, nothing can be found that used to be there. Hacienda Records does better, though it doesn't have all the track lists. I just love the voice blend, but I've never been able to find my favorite songs by them in recorded form, even thoy they always play them live. Ricky Naranjo y los Gamblers are around this weekend also. And so are los Garcia. I've never been able to find anything about a jamaica as a fundraiser and have never been able to find out whether this is an expression peculiar to Texas. I don't remember jamaicas in New Mexico. Any dictionary, even one of regionalisms, just talks about "flor de jamaica." A recipe just calls for the dried flowers and some water.


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