Saturday, December 20, 2003

Haul on the bowline; they sang that mel-o-dee

After a good haul at H-E-B, it was off to the horrors of West Lake Hills to catch Master and Commander on what may be the last weekend. K. has never been able to see why I like the O'Brian series, but we both were glad we'd seen the movie. Russell Crowe would not be my choice as Aubrey, but he did do very well. The audience really liked "the lesser of two weevils." Somewhere I've read that Crowe is said to have practiced the violin for several hours daily in preparation for the filming. The playing of someone else is on the soundtrack, and the two are not well synchronized. Love of music brought Aubrey and Maturin to make one another's acquaintance. The end-credits included the word "artillary" twice.


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