Monday, February 09, 2004

MyDoom degrees of separation

Has anybody written about this? You receive a notification that e-mail ostensibly sent from your address was infected with MyDoom. The message comes from an address theretofore unknown to you. Someone with an infected computer had your e-mail in his/her address book and also the e-mail address of the recipient of the mail supposedly sent by you. I've seen some very odd linkages. My e-mail address appears to be known and recorded on the computers of those who have much more interesting entries in their address books than mine. If only it were possible to learn who these link people are. P.S. Yes; someone has coupled "degrees of separation" and "MyDoom" and he was first. Or maybe it was this guy Lovett, who'd like to know about the linkage also. They must have received bounce-back notifications before I started getting them.


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