Wednesday, December 15, 2004


For all sorts of reasons, when I'm at the dentist's office, it's only with a death-grip on the arms of the chair and by thinking very calm thoughts that I manage to endure the ordeal. I can't even make my own appointment, which must be the first appointment of the day. Although I can take a bus or a cab on to the next stage, even with a mere cleaning it's best if I have an attendant waiting for me when it's over. When there's a new technician, she always asks if I'm all right or going to faint or something like that because I turn so pale. Well, it's over for this time around. It did help that K. played a lot of music from Pinafore before we headed on out. Having "and our saucy ship's a beauty" on the mental jukebox certainly was cheery. And it was cheering to find that, when the coverings were lifted, all has been preserved in excellent shape. The hyacinth beans do look a bit touched. The thunbergia closest to the house suffered a bit also. We did see quite a bit of real frost around town this morning. The fact that the wind didn't blow made the cold settle more, but wasn't as dehydrating; and it also meant that the warmth wasn't stripped from the house. I suppose that gas pressure was vey low this morning; thinking fearful dental thoughts, however, I didn't notice.


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