Saturday, May 13, 2006

Back when boys wore dresses

This is a studio photograph of my father, born in 1883. The back of the card on which this photograph is mounted has an ornamental steel engraving showing palm fronds and a scroll, along with a landscape mounted on an easel. Some of the text: "INSTANTANEOUS process used exclusively," "Art Photography," "The only all Ground Floor Studio in the City," "The Negative of this Photograph is preserved for future orders and can be reduced for the smallest locket or enlarged up to life-size and can be finished in Crayon, Ink or Water Color," and "All our Negatives are made with view to Enlargement." The studio was Towne and Elwell. The ink is green; perhaps it was originally some other color and has become green over time. (A click on the image will download a larger version of it, so that more detail may be viewed.)


At 6:12 AM, October 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy's up to as much as 10-12 years commonly wore skirts or dresses up until the 1910's after which the fashion declined. Some boy's continued to be dressed in skirts and dresses right up to the early 1950's. I know that for a fact because I was one of them. I have several photographs of me age 1 to about 4 (late 40's--early 50's) in skirts. I was nearly six, and ready to start school before the skirts were put away. Strange thing is that I remember being very upset about having to wear pants which I dislike to this very day.


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