Thursday, January 24, 2008

All given away

There's a wonderful appreciation of David Macauley and his books in the Janary 30 issue of The New Republic (byline Peter N. Miller). It's not available on line, at least at this time. I love these books. I've given them as gifts time after time. The only one that I own myself at this time is The Way Things Work, evidently since reissued and altered substantially. I've always wondered how many copies of these are sold. I think they've all remained in print. Maybe it's time to acquire them all again for myself. The occasion of the article was the exhibition of Macauley drawings at the National Museum of Building. From the museum shop pages, I find that an old favorite of mine, the Lamy Safari fountain pen, is still made, although it costs much more than it used to. Mine was a burnt-orange color with a black bail or clip. Here's the publisher's list of books in print.


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