Since last week
It was Tuesday a week ago that a tally was last taken. Since then, there's been a large flock of cedar waxwings seen and warblers heard although not seen. There's still one fresh Erlicheer, and anemones continue to appear. Pollinated oak flowers are still dropping; tassels of pecan flowers are fresh on the tree. We see at least one anole every day. The beautiful St. Joseph's lilies are very showy across the street; we haven't seen any in our own pleasure grounds. Anoles, not tree lizards, are prevalent so far this year. A coreopsis is covered in buds and blooms, and only three flowers have been taken by passers-by so far. There are still quite a few clematis flowers. Yellow summer squashes are growing larger every day. There are at least eight different varieties of sweet peas in bloom now. Amaryllises that have bloomed in pots indoors over the years have done well outdoors despite the frequent below-freezing temperatures this winter; several have bud stalks. Red ones will be the first to open. There have been a few true poppies in bloom, and yesterday brought the first Shirley poppy, a giant; there are giant buds on other plants. We continue to enjoy more pink evening primroses than we've seen in years. There are three rootstock roses running wild with beautifully scented flowers, and the bi-colored mystery experimental rose out front has produced one showy flower. The first bachelor buttons of the season were open this morning, blue ones. There continue to be blue pipevine swallowtail butterflies and numerous gulf fritillaries every day. Only the pecans are still leafing out. The views of downtown will soon vanish.