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I didn't know about these, but now I do (this sounds like a verse from Amazing Grace). (1) You'd Be Surprised, by Irving Berlin, recorded by Eddie Cantor and heard on one of those wonderful Smithsonian compendiums available from the library. This would make a great talent-show or skit song for just about anybody. Another favorite from this collection (American musicals: red, hot and blue) is yet another rendition of Love Will Find a Way (Eubie Blake / Noble Sissle). (2) 2 Live Stews, which isn't heard around here but may be available on line beyond a few audio snippets (this is worth checking out). (3) Seeds for Green Comet broccoli are no longer available. This we heard at the South Congress farmers' market. We forgot to ask what variety we bought, which did, amazingly, succeed for a spring harvest and is tasty. (4) Much as I love Harold Lloyd and also Django's Mustache, I'm not willing to pay $13 per ticket, at least not until the temperatures are higher, at least not for the movie on Sunday, although maybe for The Freshman or Grandma's Boy. We've seen everything out there, and with live accompaniment, but it's been a long time.
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