In the pleasure grounds
This picture from the toy camera shows one clump among many. We are enjoying about ten different kinds of daffodils and narcissi right now, of all sizes except the large-trumpet daffodils. We have three colors of hyacinths. There are both flowers and leaves opening on the pear tree, but redbuds that we see are not showing any color yet. We have a bluebonnet plant, whether red or blue or from what era we don't know. I don't think that we saw any last year. Our 'jums (leucojums or snowflakes) and old-time alliums are opening everywhere. The alliums make a beautiful frothy background for other flowers and green items. We are hearing and seeing wrens, mourning doves, cardinals, and blue jays. This morning we found two old-fashioned single jonquils. They are a great favorite.
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