Friday, September 23, 2011

Flights of fancy

We continue to delight in the aerobatics of black-chinned hummingbirds and of monarch butterflies. At a time when neighbors complain that hummingbirds are not attracted to their feeders, Turk's caps in our yard draw hummingbirds every day, mostly in the mornings and evenings. They also go to pride of Barbados, Bright Lights cosmos, and lantanas, but the eternal favorite is Turk's cap. Every day brings more and more monarch butterflies. They prefer milkweed, but are attracted to other flower, also. Four o'clocks and pink oxalis are in bloom again. Every single location where we ever expect to see oxblood lilies has produced them, the last appearing in Mack's flower bed and on the oak motte. We don't know what creature has consumed nearly all the fennel seeds; the goldfinches, which head first for wild sunflowers, are suspected. A majestic red-tailed hawk has been scanning the horizons from atop a utility pole. Early in the morning, just before true dawn, we have seen an armadillo twice in the past week, a very spritely and fast-moving specimen of an armadillo, first trotting across the street and then almost bounding. Chiles are producing many flowers, now that the nights are beginning to be cooler. Morning glories are blooming much more profusely in these more pleasant temperatures. Hyacinth beans are about to bloom. Assiduous watering during the permitted hours of the permitted day has resulted in the appearance of two spider lilies (lycoris radiata) and one miniature yellow rain lily.


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