Sweet surprises
Sweet peas, at this time in April! They smell wonderful, because they're all old-time varieties, although we didn't record which ones. We moved the pots of Johnny jump-ups into a more shaded spot, and they're enjoying a surprise resurgence. Various old amaryllis bulbs in pots have buds on them; when they open, they'll smell good, too. Remarkable for their long blooming season this year are anemones (blanda, St. Brigid, and de Caen). We have more nasturtium flowers every day. Milkweeds are opening everywhere, and one of them is even the scarcer, less hardy bi-colored version of red-orange and gold, not just all gold. Larkspur and delphinium are beginning to show shades of blue. The mystery rose (centiflora?) is just covered in flowers and buds, perfuming all of Mack's yard, mingling with the scent of the sweet peas. Even though one nearby pond installation has been destroyed by post-suburban vandals, another has been refreshed, so there are dragonflies everywhere, in all sizes and several colors. Firewheels, lantanas (although some are not yet leafed out, others are in bloom), and geraniums and offshoots of old Mrs. H's gift kalanchoes are enjoying the sun.
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