Friday, June 04, 2004

Not the "Mexican War" but Pershing's expedition

It was always referred to as the Mexican War, but it was really the Pershing expedition or the Mexican border incursion, as far a quick search on the Internet reveals. Because of the humidity, the drawer was sticking, so it wasn't possible to scan in any of the military memorabilia from my father, among which are photographic post cards and camp photographs from the punitive expedition. As I recall from the last time they were examined, they have to do with patrolling the border in Texas. I did find some interesting photographic identification from the Great War, permitting admission to the New York port of embarcation (really in Hoboken) and to the Brooklyn Army piers. There's at least one photograph showing a steam locomotive being loaded for shipment. We'd been talking about parades and wreaths, both for graves and to set afloat on the water.


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