Upgrade your cigar-box storage system
Wiggy's doesn't give them away, but a great cigar box is well worth a couple of bucks. Cuesta-Rey boxes with the sliding tops are perfect for photographs and post cards of a certain size, but there weren't any visible. There were some with hook-and-eye latches, and plenty of the old-fashioned display-top ones of various sizes. Partagas black label is handsome in black, with gold medallions. At the gas station we used to beg for our favorite cigar boxes: mine was White Owl; K. kept baseball cards in El Producto boxes. It would be smart to acquire a Travis Club box while they're still around. Are they still sold from the counter at Matt's? Long may the Finck Cigar Company flourish!
Definitely Cigar boxes are more cardinal than the Cigars.Because the storage boxes should be well enough to keep the quality of the cigars intact.Now a days we find a varierty of boxes which are quite goegeous as well as pricey.Some people even posess these to enhance their style quotient.These boxes have also become very close to children who find them very adorable and keep their belongings in it.Well these boxes are very much essential to keep the famous Cuban Cigars which are well known for their taste.
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