Grooving the night away
Today's NYT book-review section contains a mean-spirited review by Joe Queenan of a mean-spirited book. The book is The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, by one Edward Klein. The sentence from the book quoted in the review that caught our eye is: "Bill and Hillary often grooved the night away at Cozy Beach, spinning the latest Jefferson Airplane platters." It should be "Cosey Beach." There is apparently an entire chapter (chapter 10) called "Grooving at Cozy Beach." Cosey Beach is in the Momauguin section of East Haven. It's a very short stretch of Connecticut on the sound and was at one time quite a tough neighborhood, though now the riffraff inhabitants have no doubt been removed for the greater convenience of their betters. Momauguin was a trolley-car resort for people from New Haven, just a short ride to the beach on the electric railway. Streets were Cambridge Court, Jamaica Court, Cosey Beach Avenue. The Airplane would have been a bit passé for the law-school class of '73, unless these people were really retro before their time.