Friday, September 15, 2006


Some like the bits, but this is the kibble. At last somebody mentioned Don Politico's in connection with AWR and those days. Thanks, Kelso! Scholz's has been mentioned, also, now, a time or two. And thanks, local daily, for that great picture today of the entire commissioners' court at Wooldridge Park, with AWR in a demure little shirtwaist, Moya in a guayabera (probably from Slax at Twin Oaks; what are the odds?), and the rest in top-to-bottom Highway Department - Sans-A-Belt - J. C. Penney sartorial splendor, mentioning Honts, especially, for his topper! . . . Every time we think that the oxblood lilies are past their peak, we're proven wrong. The main clumps are probably at their peak; the oak motte has not yet reached it; Mack's flower bed shows nothing yet and neither do some other sites scattered around according to squirrel whim....Thank you again, library, for your entertaining entertainment. We've been enjoying Harold Lloyd one-reelers new to us. We've seen all the longer works, so it's wonderful to know that there are so many of these. Some of the sequences are very elaborate and filmed without a break, as though they were a Fred-and-Ginger dance scene. The musical accompaniment to these is excellent. We saw the feature-length movies with the very best of live piano accompaniment. Buster will always be my favorite, but Harold Lloyd is a close second, with Chaplin far behind, except for his one-reelers. Jackie Chan has spoken of his admiration for Buster Keaton, but it seems pretty clear that he's watched a lot of HL as well.


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