Friday, October 20, 2006


Appearing for the first time this season now are allium leaves, lycoris leaves, some Dutch iris leaves, and leaves from an old pot of paperwhite narcissi that was dumped out years ago and has continued to thrive. When the skies are clear, there are beautiful pre-dawn views of the Big Dipper, the North Star, and Orion. It almost seems as though we should be able to feel ourselves hurtling through the ether. We will be so glad to be rid of Daylight Savings Time. We continue to enjoy ruellia, four o'clocks, plumbago, rosemary flowers, and pink oxalis, now that the weather has been changing for the better. Finocchio (fennel) is displaying new shoots, so soon it should be possible to know what can be cut back. In one part of the yard, some creature continues to drill into the pods of the hyacinth beans, while in another part of the yard, they're left unmolested. There are more pea shoots every day.


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