November 1973 books read
This is an installment in the continuing transcription of a record of reading:
Charles Dickens: Our Mutual Friend
Charles Dikens: Dombey and Son
Charles Dickens: Barnaby Rudge
Henry James: The Princess Casamassima
Anthony Trollope: The Bartrams
Jane Austin: Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austin: Pride and Prejudice
The first two Dickens books were read for the first time in 1963; the two Jane Austens were read for the first time before that. I think I've read Barnaby Rudge just this once and that's the only book in this group of which that's true. Even though I've read Martin Chuzzlewit more than once, I'm not all that happy that I did. A Certain Someone just finished reading Barnaby Rudge again and enjoyed it, and that person has read Martin Chuzzlewit several times. The same goes for Nicholas Nickleby, We part ways on these three. I do like the vegetable marrow episode in Nicholas Nickleby, though.
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